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Ioana Goga (ex Marian)
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Research interests:
Effective Teaching, Intrinsic Motivation and Achievement,
Collaborative Learning, Modeling of the Dynamics of the teaching-learning
process, Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Research projects and experience:
- a pulsed neural networks simulator
- a Romanian corpus with infant directed speech
Computational neuroscience
- Goga, I., Connolly, C. G, and Reilly, R. G. (2005) Concepts
of efficient simulation with spiking neural networks . Submitted.
- Connolly, C. G., Marian, I. and Reilly, R. G. (2004) Approaches to
efficient simulation with spiking neural networks. In H. Bowman & C Labiouse
(Eds.), Connectionist models of cognition and perception II , Vol. 15,
pp.231-240. London, UK: World Scientific
- Marian, I. (2003), A biologically
inspired computational model of motor control development. MSc Thesis,
Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Ireland.
- Marian, I. (2002), Self-organization of synaptic
clusters for pattern discrimination. Presentation at EU Advanced Computational
Neuroscience School, Obidos, Portugal, 2002.
- Marian, I., Reilly, R.G. and Mackey, D. (2002),
Efficient event-driven simulation for spiking neural networks. Proceedings
of 3rd WSES International Conference on: Neural Networks and Applications.
Interlaken, Switzerland, February 2002.
- Marian, I. and Reilly, R.G. (2001), Self-organization
of neurons coding directional selectivity in motor cortex. Proceedings
of 12th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
(AICS), D. O'Donoghue (Ed.). NUI Maynooth, Ireland, September 2001.
- Marian, I. and Reilly, R.G. (2001), SpikeSNNS
- a simulator for spike processing networks. Proceedings of 12th DAAAM
International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus
on Precision Engineering, B. Katalinic (Ed.). DAAAM International, Jena,
Germany, October 2001.
- Reilly, R.G. and Marian, I. (2001), A spiking
neural model for visuomotor imitation. Presentation at the International
Symposium on Neural control of space coding and action production. Lyon,
France, March 2001.
Epigenetic robotics
- Goga, I. and Billard, A. (2006a), Development
of goal-directed imitation, object manipulation and language in humans and
robots. In M. A. Arbib (ed.), Action to Language via the Mirror Neuron
System, Cambridge University Press.
- Goga, I. and Billard, A. (2006b), Visual attention modeling
as constraint satisfaction. Accepted at the 6th International Conference in
Epigenetic Robotics, Paris, France.
- Goga, I. and Billard, A. (2006c), Attention mechanisms
for goal-directed action in cognitive agents. Accepted at the Second Conference
Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems, TAROS 2006, Guildford, UK.
- Marian, I. and Billard, A. (2004), A
computational framework for the study of parallel development of manipulatory
and linguistic skills. Technical report, Autonomous Systems Laboratory,
Swiss Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.
- Sas, C., O' Hare, G.M.P., Marian, I., Reilly, R., Mangina,
E. E., (2003), Modelling User Navigation, Proceedings of the World Scientific
and Engineering Academy and Society, Vouliagmeni, Athems, May 29-31st,
2003. Editors (Nedjah N., Ekel P., Mourelle L. M., Mastorakis N.).
- Reilly, R.G. and Marian, I. (2002), Cortical Software
Re-Use: A Computational Principle for Cognitive Development in Robots . Proceedings
of Second International Conference on Developement and Learning, ICDL 2002.
Boston, MIT Press.
Language acquisition
- Goga, I. (2006),
Educarea atentiei in dezvoltarea timpurie a limbajului si a abilitatilor de
manipulare a obiectelor la copiii intre 1 si 3 ani. [Educating attention
in early development of imitation, language and object manipulation abilities
in human infants]. Degree Thesis, University Babes-Bolyai, Faculty
of Psychology and Education Sciences, Cluj-Napoca.
- Goga, I., Avram, L., and Bolos, A (2006), Metodologii
de cercetare a achizitiei limbajului utilizand baze de date electronice. Corpusuri
romanesti cu vorbire adresata copiilor [The study of the acquisition of Romanian
as L1 on the basis of electronic corpora]. Second National Psychology Conference,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Mai 2006.
Other courses:
Marian's former homepage at University College Dublin